Sunday, April 15, 2012

Uganda Team Requests

It looks like the team of high school students, Student Venture staff, and college students (three from Cedarville and several from other colleges) will be between 12-17. That is a bit of an uncertain range and for that reason we could use your prayers! Pray for those accepted to the project to track through the steps they need to take to get their passport, raise their funds, etc. in a timely manner. Pray for the 4 students who have not finished their applications and need to get the parent consent forms and references in so we can finish the process with them. Pray God raises up a prayer team for every member including our leadership team: myself and Carolyn Wiley (SV staff in Indy) as well as our finanical teams. Also, please take the time to view my Uganda prayer letter under Resources in side bar on the right. Thanks!